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Award By Moon

1)Write five (5) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.

#Good Fren
#Good Listener
#a complicated Love`s story about her
#can`t speak Javanese but understand it hehe
#Big Laugh n show all her teeth comment

2) Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.

#Suka tgk movie terutama movie cinta
#Suka berkongsi pendapat dalam cinta
#actually sgt cool
#suka cubit ak kalo ak sakat dia.....ADoIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII sakitnya
#suka pi pasar malam n aku mesti kirim nasi lemak ayam kat dia....hehe..tq MUn!
#suka balik naik bus yg rosak aircondnya....aduh...naik train ngan aku kan senang
#penasihat n consultant cinta untuk aku
#sgt suka berbual.......really miss that time.....
#tidak suka dituduh benda yg tidak dilakukan...she can become the person u dont Know
#i like to call her cikgu bila dia pakai spec tyme nk pu kuliah or buar kejer

3)Pick your ten (10) most deserving receipients and describe them.

#Hafiz saadon
#Kimy jury

4)Leave a comment on the receipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged.

5) Paste the award badge in your sidebar.
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