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A meaningful day.....

Semalam...around 3.30pm ak buat keputusan untuk ubah plan aku keluar dgn my bestfren..Shydee dari ptg khamis ke ptg smlm...rabu..

so..after 2 months x bersua dengan shydee, rasa x sabar nk dengar cerita dr dia...hows his life going on ...neway, last jumpa in november..time ak, shydee, kimy n nada n also my little bro pp ke genting...

so, around 4.30 i arrived at mid valley, but shyd he sad that dia dh sampai..i asked him to buy the movie ticket first as i`ll be late..lgpun we had decide to watch The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button...which had been nominated in Oscar in 13 aspects......i called him, said that ak dh sampai.....dia kata dia in tOilet hahah..tgh ehm2...n blum bli tiket aklah yg pi bli... dh bli around 5.15pm..shyd tak muncul2 lg dia, dia ckp otw2....vr kuar toilet...wah lama gler...

n finally, he`s arrived...ak ckp lama gler "melabur" n he said...sebenarnya dia pi cari hadiah besday ak.....(a belated birthday )...wah...terharu gler....actually, shydee is the most of my bestfren yang sgt suka wat suprise n wat ak terharu....wah.....frenshp is wonderful...
Hadiah Besday dr Shydee HuHUahau..Tq Dude!

then we enter the GSC watch the movie......mula2 ingat mcm slh masuk hall...sebab dr mula mcm xder kaitan jer dgn tajuk..siap cek tiket lagi haha...but hall ni memang betol..maybe the intro a bit slow.....

bila dh masuk isi!!!! ayat2 yg diucapkan dlm movie nih sgt mendalam...x pernah ak tgk movie yg english yg mcm touching.....very meaningful.....jln criter yg sgt best...semuanya jalan cerita diadun dgn baik....

nih petikan sinopsis movie nih dr official website of this movie...

" iWas born under unusual circumstances"
And so begins “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards. A man, like any of us, unable to stop time. We follow his story set in New Orleans from the end of World War I in 1918, into the 21st century, following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can be. Directed by David Fincher, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” is a time traveler’s tale of the people and places he bumps into along the way, the loves he loses and finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.

for this ,movie ak bg 5 star over 5 star....

after watched the movie....kitaorg ke Burger King n have a kitaorng berbual hampir 1 jam setengah......byk benda yg dibualkan..byk jugak yg leter shydee hahah...

then around 9.30pm ak naik ktm kembali ke UKM..

this is very meaningful day....
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