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....walaupun sekejap.....

hurmm...lama x menulis blog nih, actually, ak agak bz dgn tesis n kurang sihat....n after a month, ak blk ke Kluang on friday night...a trip started from kajang n end up at kluang around kiranya ak berada d rumah xlah lama minus around one day..hehe..

but, dpt jumpa fam, tersayang memberi harapan n semangat baru..lama betul x tidur di bilikku yg penuh fantasi hehe..makan masakan ibu....fried macroni (mcm slh eja jew)...menonton movie..n jejalan di bandar kluang..hurm..ya there are no place like hometown....a middle in Johore....Kluang..a Bat Town...

walaupun sekejap..byk yg ak lakukan.....pepagi sabtu dh bgn..tgk laptopku yg baru my mum hantar upgrade...then tgh hari kelauar ke town cari hadiah besday for my two best fren...HuH, susah btol cr hadiah diaorg nih...becoz there are my TWIN BEST FREN wait for the suprise this 4 March hehehe....

Which one is SHYzuan n SHYdee????hahah

then, malam tuh, menonton upin n ipin di Kluang parade with my Mummy n Mak tok.....actually ingatkan nk tgk ptg, tp diaorg nk sgt tgk hasil karya anak malaysia wat kartun ....huhu....

n paling menggembirakan, my mum nk blikan laptop br in april nanti..n i had decide to buy Hp Entertainment Note book....mula2 nk bli MacBook. but tak jd coz, bila rosak susah nk n setel hal nih...

cuma, cuti weekend nih tak dpt jumpa my little bro..pp...coz dia pi trip ke JB tgk festival layang2.....for him ...gud luck in exam this monday..haha...

lupa lak....for my Old School.....KLUang High School ....which my life n glory start promise....Bakti Siswa II, kolej Tun Hussein Onn, UKM dah pun bli satu set desktop with a 3 In one Printer for school Hostel..

hoho...neway. for all my friends.....lets pray for me...coz i have to done my thesis n InsyaAllah to further my Master....Amin....

c u next tyme....
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